
A Vimy Oak Planted at CMR Saint-Jean

A Vimy oak planted at CMR Saint-Jean
7207 Edmond Ferenczi, O0023 Ken Yates and 18087 Colonel Gervais Carpentier, then CMR Commandant, when planting the Vimy oak.

On August 16, 2017, a Vimy oak tree was planted in the presence of 18087 Colonel Gervais Carpentier, then Commandant of CMR Saint-Jean, 7207 Edmond Ferenczi, O0023 Kenneth Yates, 16285 Carolyn Hug, President of the Fort Saint-Jean Chapter of the RMC Club of Canada and Mr. Steve Hétu, President and CEO of the Corporation du Fort St-Jean.

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This tree was donated by the classes of 1967 and 1973 from the Royal Military College of Canada (Kingston). It comes from the direct lineage of the oaks once found on Vimy Ridge. The acorns from these trees were collected by Lieutenant Leslie Miller of the Canadian Corps of Signals in April 1917. The Battle of Vimy Ridge, which claimed the lives of 3,598 Canadians, was a milestone in the formation of a sense of Canadian identity.

Two Vimy Oak benches were also installed nearby, and were donated by the Fondation des ancien(ne)s du CMR Ex-Cadet Foundation.